“感谢贵公司为我市国家医保信息平台(辽宁 • 大连)2021 年 11 月1 日顺利切换上线所作的突出贡献!贵公司工作团队以优秀的专业知识和高超的职业素养保证了我市平台如期切换上线,并创造了仅停机 48 小时这一全国最短停机记录。”
2021 年 11 月 1 日 0 时,大连医保信息系统顺利切换至国家医疗保障信息平台,这标志着大连范围内医保线上业务和医保信息数据与全国实现互联互通。新旧平台切换期间,当地定点医疗机构医保结算仅暂停 48小时,创造了全国医保新平台上线最短停机记录,为大连 6000 多家两定医药机构、700 多万参保人口创造了高质量的技术升级体验。
然而,也许很少有人知道服务这个系统的,是大连华信计算机技术股份有限公司;也许更少有人知道,这家企业已经在医保领域进行了 20 余年的数字技术服务。
1996 年,华信逢时而生,一群怀揣梦想的华信人,在大连星海湾畔一间简陋的写字间,开启了创业之路。
华信,在那个年代堪称荒僻的软件产业,开拓出一片天地,为当时的中国软件产业奉献自己的智慧和力量。正如华信董事长刘军多次对华信的员工所说:“20 多年前,华信的创业者们在人生中最美好的奋斗时期走出了原有体制,身处改革开放机遇中的我们,更早认识到 IT 价值和未来的我们,是真真正正地希望为我们的社会、为 IT 产业作出一番实实在在的贡献。”
这份在华信新老员工中不断传承的初心,成为了他们一路前行的动力,促使华信深耕数字技术服务领域 26年不动摇。至今,华信已经成为中国软件出口领军企业和国内数字技术服务及解决方案核心提供商,面向全球提供产品、服务及解决方案,员工人数万人,在国内外设立有 30 余家分支机构。
华信成立之初,适逢全球信息化需求迅猛增长和国家经济高速发展的良机,经济全球化和国际产业分工的趋势越来越明显,当时国内以计算机技术为先导的 IT 应用逐步深入到社会各个领域。在这样的背景下,华信聚焦于软件领域开始探索国内外两个市场同步发展之路。
在国际市场上,华信 1998 年便成立了国内首家对日客户专属开发中心,在当时从制造起步,以人力资源优势抓住了离岸服务外包市场的机遇。在国内市场,借助医疗保险、电信的行业信息化浪潮,迅速拓展行业信息化市场。“两条腿走路”的方式使得华信在当时快速站稳了脚跟。而今,在日本市场,华信已成为中国最大的对日软件系统和IT服务提供商,日本信息服务业排名前 30 位的公司中,有一半是华信长期合作伙伴。
在中国国内市场,华信也形成了主要行业和重点区域的市场布局,结合大数据、云计算、物联网、人工智能等前沿技术,华信聚焦在政府公共、交通、商业流通、产业、金融等领域,形成了智能制造、智慧城市、智慧商业、智慧金融多领域解决方案。同中国瓦轴、中广核、中海油、中国科学院等国内知名企业,以及近 200 家金融机构建立了合作关系,产品和服务深获市场认可,曾位列中国自主品牌软件产品收入前 10 家企业第八名。
经历了从 20 世纪 90 年代的计算机网络化、定时通讯到现今的大数据、云计算、人工智能,作为数字技术服务企业,华信比其他行业的企业更能够认识到技术带来的快速变革,企业需要勇于探索、勇于创新,才能不被发展的潮流淹没。华信一直在新技术、新业务、新模式多方面积极探索,在日本市场,华信是最先探索近岸交付与服务模式的中国软件企业,以冲绳近岸据点为核心,面向客户提供以中上游工程为主的近岸开发服务,建立了“在岸 + 近岸 + 离岸”全方位服务体制,实现对传统服务外包模式的突破。在新技术领域,华信每年用于技术和产品的研发投入超亿元,2021 年超 2 亿元,建立了产学研联合实验室,在海内外设立了研发子公司,成立研发中心,加速云原生、区块链、人工智能、大数据、元宇宙等前端技术研究。
在企业战略规划中,华信一直将智能制造作为重点研发开拓领域,助力辽宁产业升级、东北老工业基地的振兴。华信,从 2018 年开始启动工业互联网技术在重大装备智能运维、智能感知、制造管理等方面的应用。在 2020 年,正式启动智匠云装备制造工业互联网平台研发,基于云计算、大数据、边缘计算、数字孪生等 NewIT 核心技术,以工业数据为驱动,利用新一代信息技术与制造业深度融合。2021 年,建设完成了基于工业产业体系符合装备制造管理特点的工业 PaaS 平台和共计 5 大类、23 件工业 APP 软件。华信计划到 2023 年完成共计 66 件工业 APP软件,助力装备制造企业全面提升数字化能力、网络化能力和智能化能力,实现生产、运营、服务一体化全过程数据贯通及业务管控。
华信正聚焦形成数字化、智能化、绿色化的智能制造数字化转型整体解决方案,其中,华信的“重大装备制造工业互联网平台”被列为“新字号”重点项目。该平台以 IT、边缘计算、大数据、云存贮等关键技术构建工业数字平台为载体,工业数据为驱动,“设备健康,故障预测,智能调优”为核心价值。2019 年,华信就基于此平台中标大连华锐重工集团股份有限公司的“焦炉智能决策分析系统”,助力华锐重工完成焦炉设备的“无人值守,无人操作”的智能化升级。
At 00:00 on Nov. 1st, 2021,the Dalian medical insurance information system was successfully switched to the national healthcare security information platform. It marked the online interconnection between medical insurance service in China and medical insurance information data in Dalian. During the switch between platforms, the medical insurance settlement of local designated institutions was only suspended for 48 hours, the shortest downtime record of the new medical insurance platform launch nationwide, providing quality technical upgrades experience for more than 6,000 designated medical institutions and pharmacies, as well as over 7 million insurants in Dalian.
However, perhaps only few people would know it is Dalian Hi-Think Computer Technology Company Ltd. (DHC) that has provided digital technology services in the medical insurance area for more than 20 years and services for the system.
Starting with a piece of blueprint, the founders of DHC opened up a new field of digital technology.
Building a platform where medical insurance information can be handled at a national level is an important measure to thoroughly implement the national policy and deployment on strengthening medical insurance, a crucial way to promote the modernization of medical insurance governance system and governance capacity, and a vital livelihood project.
As one of the pioneering domestic digital technology service enterprises, DHC became a participant in the medical insurance reform right at the time when Dalian took the pilot reform of medical insurance. Lacking for experiences, DHC had to discuss about related policies with the local medical reform office and medical insurance center. Without any customer demand, DHC pioneered to design a leading medical insurance system in China. Beginning with a design drawing presented at the Dalian Medical Reform Office, DHC took its first step to deepen its digital technology development in the medical insurance field. From the initial data transmission with timing communication, small bandwidth and slow speed, DHC gradually evolved to real-time transaction, with frame relay, small amount of optical fiber communication, and finally to the current Internet, cloud computing and big data. All of the innovative applications brought by technology upgrades are reflected in DHC's developments.
In 1996, a group of DHC pioneers with dreams undertook their business in a barely furnished office by the Xinghai Bay in Dalian.
They dedicated their wisdom and strength, opening up a new world to the barren software industry in China at that time. “More than 20 years ago, the DHC pioneers got out of original systems in their best period of striving,” as the president of DHC said to his employees, “as those who took the opportunities of reform and opening up, who were familiar with IT and who had recognized the value and future of IT industry, we were sincerely hoping to make a practical contribution to our society and the IT industry.”
It is this original aspiration, which has been continuously passed down among generations of DHC employees, driving them to keep moving forward, and has prompted DHC to constantly develop its digital technology services for the last 26 years. Up to now, DHC has become a leading software exporting enterprise in China and a major supplier of domestic digital technology services and solutions, and it is providing products, services and solutions worldwide with the assistance from tens of thousands employees and more than 30 branches at home and abroad. It could be said that DHC has depicted the developing trace of Dalian's first batch of software enterprises.
For international market, DHC established the first development center in China exclusively for Japanese customers in 1998. Taking manufacturing as its starting point, DHC seized the opportunities of the offshore service outsourcing market with its human resources advantages. As for domestic market, DHC rapidly expanded its related industrial markets with the wave of medical insurance and informatization in telecommunications industries.
Today, DHC has become the largest Chinese provider to Japan of software system and IT services in Japanese market, setting up long- term partnership with half of the top 30 information service companies in Japan. And in domestic market,DHC has completed its market layout in major industries and key regions. Combining with advanced technologies such as big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, focusing on government public, transportation, commercial distribution, industry, finance, etc, DHC has provided multi-field solutions for smart manufacturing, smart city, smart business, and smart finance. Meanwhile, DHC also establishes cooperative relations with well-known domestic enterprises such as ZWZ, CNOOC, Chinese Academy of Sciences, as well as nearly 200 financial institutions. And its products and services have won great recognition by the market.
DHC also actively takes part in “Transforming and upgrading old brands”, “in-depth developing original brands”, “cultivating and expanding new brands”, the “Three Great Articles” of constructing Liaoning province.
Concerning to the enterprise strategic planning, DHC keeps regarding the intelligent manufacturing as a key research and development area, aiding the industrial upgrading of Liaoning and the revitalization of Northeastern old industrial base in China. Since 2018, DHC has carried out the applications of industrial Internet technology in the fields of major equipment intelligent operation and maintenance, intelligent perception, manufacturing management, etc. In 2020, based on NewIT core technologies such as cloud computing, big data, edge computing, digital twins, etc., DHC officially launched its research in equipment manufacturing based on a cloud platform of industrial Internet. Driven by industrial data, DHC deeply integrated with the manufacturing industry by using a new generation of information technology. By 2021, DHC had completed the construction of an industrial PaaS platform based on the industrial system which meets the characteristics of equipment manufacturing management, as well as a total of 5 categories and 23 pieces of industrial APP software.
The ultimate goal of technology development is applying, no matter how fast it goes. Insisting on applying- oriented, demanding-oriented and the mission of “promoting customer value with digital technology”, DHC constantly enriches application scenes and keeps developing for 26 years. Adhering to its simple original intention “to make a practical contribution”, DHC is still moving forward to the vision of becoming “a world-class provider of digital technology services and solutions.”
(Trans. by Pan Jia-ning)