第4章 英语语言结构(Ⅰ)
4.1 复习笔记
1 Grammatical knowledge 语法知识
2 Sentence patterns in English 英语句子形式
3 The hierarchical structuring of English sentences 英语句子的分层结构
4 Surface and deep structures 表层结构和深层结构
Ⅰ. Grammatical knowledge
1 Classification of grammar
2 Abilities by knowing the grammar
Ⅱ. Sentence patterns in English
1 Basic components of English sentences
2 Sentence patterns of different languages
Ⅲ. The hierarchical structuring of English sentences
Ⅳ. Surface and deep structures
1 Transformational Generative Grammar
2 Deep structure
3 Surface structure
Ⅰ. Grammatical knowledge(语法知识)
1 Classification of grammar(语法的分类)
(1) mental grammar(内在语法)
The linguistic information that saved in thoughts of people but may be visible to perform withinside the manufacturing of grammatical sentences and making grammatical judgments.
(2) prescriptive grammar(规定性语法)
It means “linguistic etiquette”, that is, the identity of the “proper” or “best” systems for use in a language.
(3) descriptive grammar(描述性语法)
Descriptive grammar is the study and examination of a language’s structures, generally with the goal of producing a description of English grammar.
2 Abilities by knowing the grammar(掌握语法获得的能力)
a. distinguish between reasonable and unreasonable phrases or sentences.
b. detect structural ambiguities.
c. determine whether two sentences are phrases obtained by conversion and are able to construct and understand sentences that have never been heard or written before.
Ⅱ. Sentence patterns in English(英语句子形式)
1 Basic components of English sentences(英语句子的五个组成部分)
Subject (S), predicate verb (V), object (O), complement (C) and adverbial (A).
2 Sentence patterns of different languages(不同语言的句子形式)
SVO: English, French, Swahili, Hausa, Thai
VSO: Tagalog, Irish, (Classical) Arabic, (Biblical) Hebrew
SOV: Turkish, Japanese, Persian, Georgian
OVS: Apalai (Brazil), Barasano (Colombia), Panare (Venezuela)
OSV: Apurina and Xavante (Brazil)
VOS: Cakchiquel (Guatemala), Huave (Mexico)
Ⅲ. The hierarchical structuring of English sentences(英语句子的分层结构)
Immediate constituent analysis (IC Analysis)(直接成分分析法)
The immediate constituent analysis first analyses the sentence into immediate constituents—phrases (or phrases)—and then cuts these immediate constituents in turn to obtain their respective immediate constituents, layer by layer, until the final component is reached. In practice, it is common to slice and dice up to the word for convenience. The immediate constituents analysis can be represented by brackets or a tree diagram.
Ⅳ. Surface and deep structures(表层结构和深层结构)
1 Transformational Generative Grammar(转换生成语法)
The primary components of Transformational Generative Grammar are a collection of phrase structure rules and transformation rules.
The structure of a sentence is as follows: a noun phrase is followed by a verb phrase.
The following are the transformation rules: In English, common transformation rules include deletion, copying, adding, and reordering.
The syntactic ambiguity that IC analysis misses can be found using TG grammar.
2 Deep structure(深层结构)
Deep structure is an abstract description of a construction’s syntactic characteristics, or the underlying level of structural relationships between its constituents.
3 Surface structure(表层结构)
The ultimate level in the syntactic derivation of a construction is surface structure, which closely resembles the structural organization of a construction that people actually make and receive.
4 TG theory(TG理论)
TG theory ties all of a sentence’s meaning to its deep structure in its early stages.
The meaning of a statement is defined by the logical form of a phrase derived from its surface structure in the latter version (specifically Government and Binding Theory).
Another significant development in the late phases of TG Grammar is the reduction of all prior transformational rules into a single rule called “move α.” Some criteria, referred to as “principles,” must be met for an element to shift from one position to another.