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  • 2023-12-24 06:00
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American slang: 39 must-know words and phrases before you head to the USA 赴美之前你必须知道的39个美国俚语及词汇

American slang has a vivid history. Many subcultures are behind them, from sexual deviants to narcotic addicts, from ghettos to gypsies. Each often shows unique linguistic phenomena that vary in form and content.

美国俚语有着生动的历史。他们背后有许多亚文化,从“性变态者”(sexual deviants)到“瘾君子”(narcotic addicts),从“贫民窟”(ghettos)到“吉普赛人”(gypsies)都是亚文化对俚语产生带来的影响。每一种语言往往表现出不同形式和内容的独特语言现象。

American slang: Phrases to know

1.All the…: this phrase is a typical expression used to show strong feelings. An example for this would be: “All the good feels at Beyonce’s concert.”.

“All the ...”是一个典型的表达方式,用来表达强烈的感情。这方面的一个例子是:“碧昂斯的演唱会感觉很好”。

2.For real: another similar expression to “shut up” to emphasise a statement or ask if someone is serious. It is used to assert that something is genuine or is actually the case.

"For rea"是l另一个类似于“闭嘴(shut up)”的表达,用来强调一个陈述或询问某人是否认真。它用来断言某事是真实的或事实上是真实的。

3.Blow off steam:To let out one’s frustration or anger, usually by shouting. eg I went jogging to blow off some steam.

"blow off steam"意思是“发泄沮丧或愤怒”,通常通过喊叫。


4.Break a leg: a way to wish someone good luck, usually before a performance. eg. You all look great in your costumes! Break a leg!

"break a leg"意思是祝某人好运的一种方式,通常在演出前。相当于“Good luck”。

5.Curve ball: coined from a baseball term, a curve ball means something tricky or unexpected.

“curve ball”是从棒球术语中创造出来的习惯表达,它意味着一些棘手或意想不到的事情。

6.Hang out: it doesn’t mean to physically hang out of a window or something, but more like chill with someone — a casual time with friends.

“hang out”并不是说身体要悬挂在窗外或其他什么地方外部,而是更像是和某人在一起放松一下——和朋友在一起的休闲时光。

7.Hit the books: no, it doesn’t mean you actually slam or punch the books. It’s an American slang that’s used to say you’re about to study or do assignments.

不,“hit the books”并不是说“在书上猛击或猛击”。这是一个美国俚语,用来表示你即将学习或做作业。

8.I’m down: you’re in for whatever event is happening.

“I'm down”意思是着手即将进行的工作,或乐意做。

I told you I'm down with the kids.早说过,我很乐意哄小孩

9.What’s up: used to ask someone what the problem is.

“What's up”用来问某人发生什么了。

10.Zone out: something you should never do in class! This means you’re not paying attention as your mind gets distracted.

“zone out”是指你在课堂上开小差!这意味着当你的注意力分散时,你没有注意到老师所讲内容。


11.Break the ice: when you want to start a conversation and not begin with something awkward.

当你想发起一段对话,而不让自己感到尴尬用“break the ice”。相当于汉语的“破冰行动、打破僵局”。

12.Hit the sack: just like “hit the books,” but instead of studying this means sleeping.

就像“看书(hit the books)”一样,但这个习语不是学习之意,而是”睡觉“之意。

13.In a nutshell: another way to say briefly or concisely.

“in a nutsshell”是“简要”的另一种表达方式。相当于“briefly or concisely”。

14.On the house: if someone tells you this at a bar or a restaurant, it means they’re settling the bill so don’t forget to thank them.Paid for by or courtesy of the merchant or the establishment.

如果有人在酒吧或餐馆告诉你“on the house”,这意味着他们为你买单,所以别忘了感谢他们。这是“由商人或机构支付或提供的”之意。(即对你“免单”。)

All the drinks were on the house. 所有饮品都是免费的。


15.Under the weather: you’re not actually under the weather but this expression means you’re feeling sick.

“under the weather”实际上不是在某种天气之下,这个习语意味着“你感到不舒服”。

16.So long:used to express farewell ,The first known use of so long was in 1854。用来表示“再见。”该用法最早源于1854年。

17.For good:Permanently; indefinitely; forever. 表示“永远、永久”之意。



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