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  • 2023-11-23 10:00
  • 龙泉小编

第7章 社会文化因素

7.1 复习笔记


1 Acculturation 文化适应

2 Sociopolitical Consideration 社会政治因素对第二语言学习的影响

3 Language, Thought, and Culture 语言、思维和文化三者的关系


1 相关概念:文化定式,态度,文化适应,文化冲击,社会距离;

2 社会政治因素:第二语言的学习环境,文化适应的程度;

3 语言、思维和文化三者的关系:萨丕尔·沃尔夫假说。


Ⅰ. Concepts

1 Cultural Stereotypes

2 Attitudes

3 Acculturation

4 Cultural shock

5 Social distance

Ⅱ. Sociopolitical Consideration

1 Types of Contexts

2 Degrees of Acculturation

Ⅲ. Language, Thought, and Culture

Ⅰ. Concepts(相关概念)

1 Cultural Stereotypes(文化定式)

Stereotype refers to the common characteristics of a certain collective. Our cultural environment determines our world outlook, and the reality is perceived by us objectively through our inherent cultural model while those perceptions we disagree or is regarded as “abberation” are simplified.


2 Attitudes(态度)

Some sorts of attitude towards culture or language are often implied in stereotype, which might form gradually, beginning in an early childhood, affected by the attitude of parents and peers, in the process of personal communication with different people, under the interaction of many factors.


Second language learners profit by positive attitudes while negative attitude is likely to weaken learning motivation due to the abating of language input and interpersonal interaction. Negative attitude may also lead to the lack of learning proficiency, which usually stems from the wrong stereotype or excessive sense of national superiority.


3 Acculturation(文化适应)

Acculturation refers to the process of adapting to a new culture, a reorientation of thinking feeling and communication.

文化适应是指适应一种新文化的过程, 一种对思想、感情和交流的重新定位。

Acculturation can be divided into four successive stages. The first stage is when a person feels excited and happy about the new environment around. The second stage is about cultural shock, to be specific, an individual in a certain culture begin to feel many cultural differences and his self-consciousness is impacted. The third stage is gradual recovery, which is tentative and uncertain at the beginning, which is a typical feature of cultural pressure. The fourth stage is almost complete recovery. Through assimilation or adaptation, an individual in the new culture begin to accept the new culture and establish self-confidence in the “new” self.


4 Cultural shock(文化冲击)

Culture shock is a phenomenon of slight psychological discomfort or even serious psychological panic caused by the change of cultural environment one is in. Culture shock can bring a lot of discomfort, such as alienation, anger, hostility, hesitation, tension, distress, sadness, loneliness, and even other physical illness.


It is generally believed that cultural shock is the anxiety caused by the loss of the symbols or symbols normally used in social interaction.


5 Social distance(社会距离)

Social distance refers to the interweaving effect of two cultures similar in cognition and emotion on individuals.


As is stated in Schumann’s theoretical model, the greater the social distance between the two cultures, the more difficult it is for learners to learn a second language; On the contrary, the smaller the social distance between the two cultures are, the less difficult it is to learn a second language.


Acton designed a measurement tool about social distance, namely the Professed Difference in Attitude Questionnaire and PDAQ in short. In PDAQ, learners are basically required to answer the differences in their attitudes towards various concepts from three dimensions: Firstly, the overall distance between themselves and their compatriots. Secondly, the overall distance between themselves and people from the target country and language. Thirdly, the distance between the native of their country and people from the target country and language. It is found by Acton that successful language learners seem to have an optimal social distance.


As is presented in this ideal social distance model, the learners who fail to master the second language may not realize the synchronous development of language and culture in second language acquisition.


Ⅱ. Sociopolitical Consideration(社会政治因素)

Generally, there are some explicit or implicit policies in every country that will affect the status of its mother tongue and one or more other foreign languages.


1 Types of Contexts(第二语言学习环境的类型)

To learn a second language, various contexts are suitable.


For instance, the first context is to learn a second language or another language in its language culture or learning a second language in one’s native culture, since the second language is the common lingua franca of education, government and business in its native country.


Besides, another kind of learning environment is called foreign language learning, that is, learning a foreign language in one’s mother tongue’s culture, in which, learners are less likely to use a foreign language directly or widely.


2 Degrees of Acculturation(文化适应的程度)

Degrees of acculturation vary from different types of second language situation.


Learning a second language in a foreign culture (Type la) potentially involves the deepest form of acculturation.


When learning a second language in the native culture (Type lb), the degree of cultural adaptation varies with the country, the cultural and social political status of the language, the learners’ learning motivation or learning goals.


When learning a foreign language in the foreign culture (Type 2), the degree of cultural adaptation varies from person to person. In this kind of environment, cultural topics may improve learners’ learning motivation and enhance their understanding of the second language culture.


Ⅲ. Language, Thought, and Culture(语言、思维和文化)

Language and thought combine to form culture. Through language, cultural patterns, customs and lifestyles can be expressed, and the world outlook with certain cultural characteristics can also be revealed from language.


As is presented in the hypothesis of Sapir-Whorf, language system (grammar) is not only a tool to copy, reproduce or present ideas, but also a medium to form ideas. It guides individuals’ spiritual activities, helps to analyze the subjective impression and promotes the synthesis of personal thought reserves. The formation of thought is not an independent process, but a part of specific grammar, and more or less varies from grammar to grammar.




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