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  • 职业人才
  • 2023-05-29 12:00
  • 龙泉小编



Student assistant – Environment & Food

Deadline: 10th March 2019

Start date: April 1st, 2019

Location: Beijing, Chaoyang, Sanlitun Dongwujie 1

About us

Environment & Food team is part of the Trade Council at the Royal Danish Embassy. We advise Danish companies and organisations on their strategy for penetrating the attractive but complex Chinese market and assist on the practical implementation. For further information about the work of the Danish Embassy please visit: http://kina.um.dk/zh-cn.aspx

We offer

  • An opportunity to enrich yourself by working in a cross-cultural and exciting working environment

  • An opportunity to expose yourself to the cooperation between Denmark and China in an area of great political focus

  • Being part of dynamic team handling environmental and food related issues and tasks

Job Description

Your function will be:

Assist the Environment & Food Team with a broad aspect of environmental and food related issues such as, water treatment, air pollution, food production and food safety etc.

Examples of tasks:

  • Translation of Chinese documents to English and vice versa

  • Analytical assignments within the area of the environment and food issues

  • Reach out to cooperation partners in China and Denmark

  • Ad hoc assignments such as arranging meetings and trips, writing summaries etc.

Time frame: Demands 20 hours per week, minimum 8-12 months (working hours will be planned with the team leader).

Preferred Qualifications

The job is open for applicants who are currently at the 3rd or 4th year of undergraduate or enrolled in a postgraduate programme. We prefer you to have the following qualifications:

  • Excellent command in English both in writing and speaking

  • Studies related to public administration, environment and climate, urban planning, food, civil engineering or similar

  • Good analytical and communication skills

  • Attention to detail and a structured approach to assignments

  • Positive attitude to new tasks and team spirit.


To apply for this position, please send your CV and application in English explaining your motivation and qualifications for the job and preferably a photo to bjsambhrchina@um.dk.

Please also enclose 2-3 references (place of study/company, name of contact person and e-mail). The subject box of the e-mail should read “Student assistant –Environment & Food”.

If you have any questions regarding this position, please contact Sector Counsellor, Food and Environment, Mr. Per Boesgaard / perboe@um.dk +86 186 1173 8961

Important information:

The chosen candidate will be subject to security approval by the Danish authorities. For this check, a non-criminal record is required.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Website 官网: http://kina.um.dk

Wechat Official 微信公众号: ambkina

Sina Weibo 新浪微博: 丹麦驻华大使馆

LinkedIn 领英: DKinChina

Facebook: AmbKina

Twitter: DKinChina


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