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  • 职业人才
  • 2023-05-29 16:00
  • 龙泉小编

Unit 5 What does he do

Section A let’s talk

Teaching aims

Knowledge aim:

Students can use these sentences patterns to express their parents’ jobs and their future jobs, for example,“What does he/she do ? He/she is ......” and “What do you want to do ?; I want to be .....” .

Students can improve their listening and speaking abilities in this regard.

Emotional aim:

Students can set up their future jobs according to their hobbies.

Teaching key points and difficult points

Key points:

Knowledge: More knowledge about how to express their parents’ jobs and their future jobs.

Ability : Improve listening and speaking abilities in this area.

Difficult Points:

How to make students set up their their future jobs according to their hobbies.

Teaching procedures

Step 1 Warm-up and Lead-in

Daily greeting and sing the song What Do You Want to Do.

Ask students some questions as follows:

a: Can you find some words about jobs in the song and what are they?

b: Do you know what your parents’ jobs are?

c: Do you know how to ask others’ jobs in our daily lives?

Step 2 Pre-listening

Let students look at two pictures about a businessman and head teacher and explain them.

Step 3 While-listening

Play the listening materials for twice.

1. Listen to the tape for the first time and answer the following questions:

a. Who are they?

b. What are they talking about?

Answers will be checked after the listening.

2. Listen again and complete the following chart.

a. What does Oliver’s father/mother do?

b. Who attend Oliver’s Parents’ Day?

c. What does Oliver want to be in the future?

One students would be asked to come to the front and finish the chart.

Step 4 Post-listening

Make a discussion

Give students twenty minutes to make a discussion about their future jobs according to their hobbies. In this discussion, students need to discuss three questions.

a: What do you do in the future ?

b: Why do you choose this job ?

c: How do you achieve it ?

A few students will be invited to share their idea later.

Step 5 Summary and homework

Summary: Invite one of the students to review what we have learned and encourage students to pursue their future jobs according their their hobbies. And tell students if they have set up their future jobs, they should try their best to achieve it.

Homework: Ask students to search more information about their future jobs. Invite some students to share with us next class.



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