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  • 2023-12-28 14:00
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Royal Philips Electronics List of Restricted Substances in Products

Royal Philips Electronics 产品中限制物质清单

Articles (i.e. materials, components, subassemblies, products) delivered to and used in Royal Philips must be free of the "Restricted substances" as mentioned in this list. 出货到以及用于Royal Philips的物品(比如物料,配件,装配件,产品)不能含有清单中提到的"限制物料"

A: Restricted Substances in all applications适用于所有情形的限制的物质


a. The restriction does not apply to exemptions in European Directive RoHS (2002/95/EC). (此)限制不应用于欧洲的ROHS指令里面的免除条例 (2002/95/EC)

b. Does not apply to Medical equipment, which is presently excluded from the EU RoHS Directive. Neither does it apply to the exemptions in EU-RoHS. 不应用于医疗设备, 这个目前不包含在EU RoHS指示中, 两个都不适用于ROHS指令中的免除条例

c. Lead-based soldering in electronic circuit boards and other electric applications is exempted in automotive applications under the European ELV directive (2000/53/EC). 电子线路板中以铅为基础的锡焊/焊接以及其他电子应用在欧洲的ELV指示(2000/53/EC)中自动化应用下是免除的

d. Mercury is allowed only in gas discharge lamps with certain conditions referred in EU RoHS. 汞只在气体放电灯泡中被接受,参考EU RoHS中的一定条件(相关条件)

e. Ozone depleting substances, as published in 2000 in the Montreal protocol on substances that deplete the ozone layer: CFCs (Chlorofluorocarbons), HCFCs (Hydrogenated chlorofluorocarbons), Halons, Methyl Bromide, HBFCs (Hydrobromofluorocarbons), 1,1,1-Trichloroethane, Carbon tetrachloride and bromochloromethane. 臭氧消耗物质, 如(按)在2000年发布的蒙特利尔协议中的关于消耗臭氧层的物质, CFCs (氯氟烃), HCFCs (氢氯氟碳化合物), Halons(哈龙), 溴甲烷, HBFCs (含溴氟烃), 1-1-1三氯乙烷, 四氯化碳, 溴氯甲烷.

f. Polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDE) are the same as polybrominated biphenylethers (PBBE); polybrominated diphenyloxides (PBDO) are the same as polybrominated biphenyl oxides (PBBO). 多氯联苯醚(PBDE) 是与polybrominated biphenylethers (PBBE)相同的; polybrominated diphenyloxides (PBDO)与多溴化联(二)苯 (PBBO)是相同的

B: Additionally Restricted Substances in product packaging 产品包装中附加限制物质

C: Additionally Restricted Substances when used in specific applications在特定应用上的附加限制物质


a. Does not apply to Medical devices and associated equipment. Medical device safety standards require biocompatibility testing to ensure that chemical substances, which may contact patients during use per the device's intended use, do not pose a health risk, specifically with respect to biocompatibility. 不应用于医疗设备和相关设备. 不适用于医疗设备及相关设备。医疗设备安全标准要求做生物适应性测试,以确保按设备正常使用目的使用,在接触患者时不会带来健康风险,特别是对于生物适应性方面。

b. CE (Consumer Electronics) requirements for phenol in laminates of printed wiring boards: 消费者电子对于印刷线路板的覆膜中苯酚的要求

· Smell Emission : <200 odor unit/m2/day 气味散发: <200气味单位/m2/天

Test method: Measured in duplo according to NVN2820 (or NEN-EN 13725:2003) by TNO Apeldoorn, the Netherlands, with 10 dm2 of single sided copper cladded laminate after 3 days at room temperature in a PTFE bag of approximately 40 l. 测试方法:根据荷兰TNO Apeldoorn的NVN2820 (或者 NEN-EN 13725:2003)在duplo中测量, 在一个PTEE袋子里大约401室温下放3天后单面铜层带10dm2

· Phenol monomer : <50 mg/l phenolics 石碳酸单体: <50 mg/l 酚醛塑料

Test method : Phenolics content in water (according to ISO 6439) after shaking for 23 hours a mixture of 75 g of milled (to 3 mm) laminate in 1.5 l of demineralized water at pH 4). 测试方法: 在摇23小时碾压过的(到3mm)75g混合物在水中的酚醛塑料容量(根据ISO 6439), 在1.51软化水,PH4

Above this declaration threshold the substance is restricted and declaration of the substance is obliged. In fact, restricted substances are not to be intentionally used, that is, Royal Philips Electronics accepts that certain materials contain a certain amount of naturally occurring restricted substances. Thresholds can represent legal limits, or refer to currently accepted analysing thresholds. Furthermore these thresholds should be declared on component level. Substances are measured in homogeneous materials. Exemptions of specific applications, mentioned in legislation, are also exempted. Nevertheless declaration is still needed.
超过这一申报门槛,实质内容受到限制,并有义务申报实质内容。 事实上,限制物质是不能被故意使用的,也就是说,皇家飞利浦电子公司承认某些材料含有一定量的自然产生的限制物质。 阈值可以代表法律限制,或参考当前接受的分析阈值。 此外,这些阈值应该在组件级别声明。 物质是用均质材料来测量的。 法例中提及的特定申请的豁免,亦获豁免。 尽管如此,仍然需要声明。


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