冶炼工厂以往给我们的印象就是高大的厂房 , 灰黑色的建筑,生产车间两侧开启一排排玻璃窗,工厂上空弥漫着红色的粉尘。厂房内天车吊着钢包在工人们头上运行,钢花四溅的炉前炼钢工用力挥舞着钢钎……
20 世纪 60 年代,中国人民银行发行的第三套人民币 5 元纸币的正面,一位头戴鸭舌帽的炼钢工人,形象生动、有力、传神,作为中国工人阶级的代表,成为激情燃烧的岁月里火红的记忆。
随着改革开放、工业革命的进步,尤其是进入新世纪、新时代,工业完成了由 2.0、3.0 到 4.0 的转变,现代化被智能化取代,工业生产实现了本质性的飞跃。
一楼集中控制大厅坐着几十名员工,每个人同时操作面前的多台电脑,这些控制人员过去分布在不同车间管理岗位、高炉旁的操作间。现在,80% 的车间控制人员聚集在这里,通过网络视频和数据进行远端操控。每个班有近 70 人负责生产、经营、管理的全面协调、控制,成为工厂的大脑和眼睛。
“5G+冶金全流程”的智能制造,如果用一场战争作比,就是把传统机械化的大规模作战,转变为电子化的微机操控 , 一个中心管到底。从基站选址到服务器对接,5G专网的搭建,抚顺新钢铁率先在冶炼行业开启了应用新模式,成为辽宁首个迈入 5G 时代的钢铁企业。
数据是新钢铁数字化转型的关键,智造中心通过 plc 数据收集站、传感器等采集生产数据,依据公司管理需求,利用数字化转型,打破传统部门边界,打造管理数字化、制造智能化、工艺产品绿色化、厂区景观化和建筑业综合服务平台。
抚顺新钢铁成立于 2005 年 10 月,由始建于 1958 年的原抚顺新抚钢有限责任公司经改制重组的一家民营控股的大型混合所有制钢铁企业,主要产品用于高速公路、铁路、地铁、机场、港口、核电等重点工程项目,是国内建筑用钢知名品牌、东北区域建筑用钢龙头品牌,中铁、中建、中交等央企的重要战略合作伙伴。
如今,这一景象退出了历史舞台。在炼钢作业区,已不见工人身影,控制室内的技术工人通过电脑屏幕观察炉火亮度与形状来判断炉渣情况,5G 设备安装使用和智慧炼钢让冶炼工作环境和作业方式焕然一新。
身处大数据的新时代,每名工人服从于编码和秩序,好似工厂这部机器上的一颗螺丝钉,无论怎样变化、转换,排列组合,从 0 到 9 能演绎无穷的能量。如同大写、小写,或者中英文的名字,占有自己的位置,真实、独一无二,被纳入程序的网格,成为冶炼过程中重要的部分。
5G 给新钢铁冶炼生产插上了腾飞的翅膀
抚顺新钢铁与联通公司签订的无人行车和铁水罐车改造项目,利用5G+ 机器视觉、5G+ 传感器模组,采集机车自动驾驶中的信息以及高清回传、虚拟现实、模拟操控等技术,实现机车的远程控制,不需要人工操作,大幅提升行车和铁水罐车的安全性。
仅此项目的 5G 实施,减少铁水温降 3-5℃,可节约 700 万元;优化生产衔接 6%,可节约 300 万元;减少人员及培训成本,可节省520万元。在高压配电房,一个小黄车在高压电表前自动行走,装备制造部主任指着小黄车介绍说:“这是巡检机器人,这个机器人是利用 5G 网络技术,按时按路线检查高压配电房、易燃易爆气罐区等高危区域的安全风险问题。利用 5G+UWB 高精定位结合电子围栏,实现精准实时定位,提高安全的管控。”
今天,抚顺新钢铁依托 5G+ 超高清视频技术,进行无人天车远程操控试验,将多路多视野的超高清视频实时传送到服务器端,并以超低时延的动作反馈,进行对远端的天车远程驾驶。
这是一场 5G 赋能冶炼生产的革命,是 5G 给新钢铁冶炼生产插上了腾飞的翅膀。
曾经的炼钢车间具有一定危险性 原创手绘:李虎
抚顺新钢铁运用 5G 技术,积极探索建筑工程行业钢铁新业态需求,会同市住建和城乡建设局到建材企业调研,申报 2021 省装配式建筑产业基地,推动下游产业链延伸,规划钢材仓储钢筋工厂定制加工、pc 构件商混建筑材料租赁技术服务等综合性建筑产业园,推进供应链与数字化的整合与赋能,实现企业由生产建筑用钢的专门企业向建筑综合服务商转型升级。
在市、区两级政府的支持下,通过盘活闲置厂房和新建厂区,2019年以来,抚顺新钢铁坚持以钢材定制生产加工为导向,利用废旧厂房分三期建起钢筋加工厂 1.2 万平方米,为沈抚两市民用建筑提供钢材定制服务,打开了市场。
他们算过一笔账,仅以“沈白客专一标段”沈阳北站到沈阳东站的建设用钢筋量计算,采用抚顺新钢铁订制服务的钢材可节约厂房建设费用、配套设施、原料损耗等费用 1000 余万元。
冶炼工厂因数据变得充满活力和动能,一个数据被云计算成千上万次分解,一年四季的更迭,365 个日日夜夜,24 小时的分分秒秒,构成生产线上的全部内容和细节。
抚顺新钢铁通过数字化、智能化技术构建传统工业管理新模式,在钢铁生产管理中的生产、物流、质量、设备、能源等领域不断探索,自主开发系统299个,数据项达到2400余项。同时基于 5G、大数据、人工智能等IT 技术,稳步推进城市清洁供暖,积极参与中水固废资源综合利用,探索煤矸石资源的高效利用,为资源枯竭型城市发展探索新路。
近年来,抚顺新钢铁启动利用生产余热为城区供热项目,投资 2.4 亿元建起余热回收和供热设施,将高炉冲渣水、循环冷却水、各种烟气等余热资源收集、加工,转换成优质热源,向沈抚改革创新示范区和抚顺市望花区供热,去年实现供热面积达 600万平方米,到 2023 年供热面积将增至 1000 万平方米。
抚顺新钢铁按照中央提出实现“碳达峰、碳中和”的要求,把综合利用固体废弃物当成重要课题加以攻关,在钢渣、水渣综合利用方面取得重大突破。抚顺新钢铁年产钢闷渣尾渣32万吨,水渣150万吨,变废为宝蕴含巨大商机。2021 年,抚顺新钢铁投资近 2000 万元,建起钢渣综合利用生产装置,将钢渣含铁成分提出后的尾渣,制成高档砖,替代石料用于园林、广场、路网建设,以减少对自然生态的破坏,每年可利用尾渣 8.7 万吨,其余的尾渣正在与高校研究在筑路方面进行应用。他们还正在投资 8000 万元,建成水渣再生利用生产线,产品将用于水泥预制组装房屋部件的生产原料。
随着生产能力的提高,自企业混改至 2021 年,抚顺新钢铁成为全市第二纳税大户,员工收入和福利得到了显著提高,他们正全力向国内一流的建筑用钢综合服务典范迈进。
在抚顺新钢铁,5G 的大数据指针不停地转动,项目注册、计划报表、信息统计、工资档案、蓝图和规划,都以科学的严谨来捍卫指标和答案。然后,在显示屏上不断变换、涌动、翻滚、刷新……产品的出队、入列,被整合,以及在生产、经营、管理岗位上的每一名工作人员,任由国家、单位、社会这个巨大的数据库收纳、采集、编织,像一朵幸福奔腾的浪花,融入市场繁荣的海洋。
抚顺新钢铁成为辽宁首个迈入 5G 时代的钢铁企业
You may still remember the third set of the RMB paper notes issued by the People's Bank of China in 1962. They went out of circulation in 2000. On the front side of the 5 yuan note, an image of a steelworker is seen wearing a peaked hat. As a representative of the Chinese working class, he is full of vigor, and this vivid and expressive image has become a reminder of the flaming years of passion and faith.
Along with the reform and the progress in the industrial revolution, the industry has completed its transformation from 2.0 and 3.0 to 4.0 and as a result, modernization has been replaced by intellectualization, bringing about a substantial leap in industrial production. In this process, Fushun New Steel Company Ltd emerged as one of the best steel plants in Liaoning province.
The center is the soul and headquarters of new steel production. Inside the center, all kinds of production data are rolling on more than one hundred screens. The entire production process is merely handled by a few clicks on a keyboard. Based on instantaneous data analysis, engineers and administrators from different sections can supervise the production process, single out problems, make solutions, and provide centralized decisions and scientific empowerment.
The center has a daily increase of 0.85 billion new data and as a platform of highly efficient administration, its maximum advantage is to engage all employees in the crucial production process, including production, cost, and quality. It is only in this way that scientific precision can be achieved. Its AI gas burning control system is praised as one of the most advanced in the world.
The 5G+ Metallurgical Flow has changed the traditionally massive mechanized process into a micro- computerized super control system operated through digitalization. Now the center functions as the brain of the company. From the selection of the base stations to the servers' connections and the 5G network constructions, the company is the first in its industry to have embraced the 5G mode and the first steel plant to have entered the 5G era in Liaoning province.
In an era of big data, every worker has to be subject to encoding and order, as if they were screw spikes in a machine. No matter what happens in transformation, permutation and combination, inexhaustible energy will be generated from 0 to 9. This is a significant part in the smelting process.
What should be remembered is a fact that 5G has liberated people from high-risk posts.
In fact, 5G has brought a fundamental change to the New Steel Company, where both safety production and technological advance are being operated under a digitalized network designed for the production process.
We're no longer worried about the first-line workers' safety. That's why we say they're liberated.
A few years ago, the company's human resources department had difficulties in hiring new employees as operators. Even if they had come after painstaking and time-consuming training, they wouldn't stay long due to the undesirable and dangerous working conditions.
In the old days, overhead cranes in a smelting plant were operated by whistles. They slide back and forth along two tracks over the workers with a harsh ringing bell. Accidents often occurred.
Today the overhead cranes are operated by remote controls because a technology of 5G+HD videos are used to make unmanned operation possible and instantaneous images of super high-definition from multiple circuits and angles can be transmitted to terminals to generate super-low delayed feedbacks.
It is a revolution initiated by 5G in metallurgical production or it is the 5G that has brought about the changes in new steel production.
Under the auspices of both the municipal and district governments, the company makes full use of the unused workshop and the newly built plant. Since the year 2019, guided by custom-made products, the company has built a steel bar processing plant of 12,000 square meters by renovating its unused workshop and began to provide custom-made steel bars for housing developments in Shenyang and Fushun.For their targeted efforts, a new market has emerged on the horizon.
Not long ago, the company'ssteel bar processing center undertook the task to make steel bar cages andto process steel bars for the Shen-Bai High Speed Train Project. It aimed at the market with precision and shifted to comprehensive service for the construction industry. The company completed the task by establishing a service center for movable steel bar cages. The center worked in such a way that seamless contact was made between the service provider and the construction site. To cut the cost for its client, the center provided timely response to any demands from the construction site.In so doing, it helped the constructer transform to a mode of high efficiency, high intelligence, and high quality.
According to the calculations by the company's managers, the construction from Shenyangbei Station to Shenyangdong Station alone has cut the cost for the client by 10 million yuan in steel bars, thanks to their custom-made service, and the costs which would have occurred in workshop construction, supporting facilities, and raw materials have been saved.
The key competiveness comes from the products made by an enterprise and innovations lead to a big share in the market. Now twisted steel bars and high speed wire rod produced by FushunNew Steel Company are popular products in the national market. For this reason, the company was invited to make national standards for hot-rolled plain bars used as cement bars, hot rolled reinforced bars, and corrosion resistance steel bars. It is also one of the certified manufacturers of hot rolled steel bars, and its products have been verified as low carbon and green.
In May 2021,at the 9th China Shenyang Expo of International Modern Construction Industry, and Liaoning Provincial City Fair held in Shenyang, the company was the only enterprise recommended by Fushun Bureau of Housing and Urban-Rural Development. The recommendations read: “A model of combined development of enterprises and the city, a pioneer in smart manufacturing, a practitioner of green development, and a leading enterprise of comprehensive service platform in construction industry.” These eye-catching words at the fair can serve as the company's four strategies in supporting the overall revitalization of the old industrial province.
(Trans. by G.Q.)